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Short Story S:2 P: 2 - "To Crumble"

     Not a sound escaped after the violence that had shattered the ball drew silent. Mouths hung open, eyes remained wide and throats fell mute as crimson seeped from the fallen figure splayed in front of their Princess's throne. Her royal dark gown--as bejeweled as the twinkling gas clouds littering the vastness of space around their sailing vessel--was now soiled with the blood of her beloved and pooled around her trembling frame as she knelt to bring the gasping man into her arms.
     Crystal teardrops trailed down her milky white cheeks while she lovingly pulled tangled dark curls back from the quickly waning face flickering with brilliant dying purple irises. Air wheezed from his gurgling lungs trapped beneath his once pristine opal-colored Captain's jacket but he nestled into her, clear in his mind that these last precious moments were all they had. He reached shaky hands up and latched them onto hers, fingers twining like souls that never got to bind beyond their hearts.
     Grips as fragile and daring as they had ever known, they held onto each other until the Princess--no longer mindful of the crowd gathered around them on what was suppose to be a most joyous night--parted teeth clenched lips and let her wail of despair out in a tender haunting song. She choked out her melody, words hanging on notes but pushed forward to sooth the departing light in her embrace. Her voice carried around the room, tearing strings from the breaking hearts around her, to weave the banner of their final woe.
     And here the Princess promised the court, and the passing stars, that no other love would know such gift as the man dying before her. She would grant the foul Assassins that had ruined this night not a moment more, for she would kiss her dead lover one last time and then return to her chair, stained with his heart upon her skin, and sail onward towards home.
     Today she Crumbled, but tomorrow she would rise to destroy them all.


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