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Sticky Note Session 2: 1 "Precipice"

     Often, when a story hits me, the impulse to write it down is so physical that if I don't do so, I feel like I'm going to crawl out of my skin. The jotted notes are usually a jumble of things--sketches, random details, colors, dialog and so forth. Sometimes I'm just left with the story.
     Other times, though, I am inspired to do more, perhaps turn the sketch into a drawing, or create a poem to go along with the color details, or--in this instance--have the impulsive need to jot down a sticky note as well. They may not even come together in the end.
     Instead they become their own little thing, pieces of creativity spawned by a single visual that had the power to ripple through multiple outlets. I love when I have these inspirations--they drive you forward in madness only a good muse can induce, and I'm always astounded by the final outcome.
     "She stood on the precipice and made the choice to fall through the clouds like a rain drop..."


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