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Sticky Note Session 1: 7 "Lovers of Time"

     Time Travel fascinates me.
     Especially when it is a part of a much bigger notion or tool in a story. It's often used as a means to fix something or reach an axis point where the direction of a moment can be encouraged onto a new path. The conditions or the reasoning are often selfish, even hidden under the guise of doing so for "the greater good". On rare occasions, the traveler(s) are also curious explorers, fascinated (like me) by the many ripples that exist even within a fraction of a second of time.
     But what if a traveler or two are just individuals who have accidentally crossed paths and, drawn by strong emotions, like love, find themselves breaking the barriers of time over and over again to forge moments together? What if they defy the notions that they could never be together like tragic star ( or in this case time) crossed lovers and don't just travel through those ripples but literally build new bridges where none are suppose to exist?
     "Lovers chased one another across the chasm of Time, their bodies parting in breaths and merging with each frozen second."


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