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Sticky Note Session: 1: 5 "Fire"

      I've always held this visual that Chaos or Tragedy would occur in the most mundane of moments. Not under the threat of an known enemy or by a predictable scale of natural disasters just waiting to let go. For me, it has always been in the quiet--the points of life where it feels just like any other day.
     Acoustically, if it were to have a sound, it's the way the leaves rustle in the wind, the long distant wail of a passing midnight train--music echoing off the walls of an office or home as life goes about its daily routine. There is no orchestral build up, no pitch of trumpets or rumble of drums--just life like the movie it isn't.
     That's also how I prefer to write it.  Unexpected. In flow with an environment we can all relate to. People exiting their cars to enter grocery stores or dropping their children off at school or getting a sandwich from the local food truck while on their way back to work. I feel it takes, not just the characters, but the reader as well, completely off guard. It makes the moment more emotionally impacting. That intake of breath, eyes wide, a hand that may rise to cover a quivering mouth.        
     Words can be as sharp as a knife if delivered just like a blow.
     But how do you see things?
     Do you prefer a build up? A cresting tidal wave of impending doom?
     Or do you, like me, prefer the bite of the spider you paid no mind to, being filled with a poison you don't realize is coursing through your veins until it's suddenly too late?
     "The fall leaves twirled outside my window, swept up by the wind. It was just another Monday until the sound of Thunder shook the world around me, followed by a Wall of Fire..."


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