**Sometimes my dreams deliver awesome, twisted, stories for me to enjoy. This is one I had this morning** The old heavy rusted iron door unexpectedly slammed shut behind. Whirling around, lump of fear rising in her throat, she reached out for the handle in the darkness consuming her vision and tugged. But the door refused to move. “Michael,” she called out shakily, hoping he had heard the door close from where he had been just meters down the hall. “Michael,” she called again, louder, her tone growing frantic. How could he have not heard it? She called his name a third time, shouting it as she banged her palm on the door, the sound echoing around her. As the cacophony faded though, she was met with only silence. Shit! This had been a stupid idea. A very, very stupid idea. ‘Let’s go check out the abandoned haunted attraction on old man Miller’s farm’ , Michael had said. ‘ My dad’ll take us, even chill in the truck outside in case anybody else comes around’ , he...